Season finale of "PERFECT CHAOS"
"PERFECT CHAOS" is a chain series created by Set Apart Pictures. The series takes place during a time of global panic, as the artificial intelligence we've created to help us turns against us, turning our devices into antagonists intent on manipulating us toward our own destruction.
The Season 2 finale is written & directed by Dylan Michael Searle and produced by Aneiszka Sea.
If you like The Walking Dead then this episode might be up your alley. It follows a group of survivors living off the grid who start to believe that one of their own may actually be a machine with sinister intentions.
Brittnee Garza portrays "Kate" in this episode, which was released TODAY! Feel free to check it out & share with your friends!
Aneizska Sea
Erik Anthony Russo
Samuel Selman
Brittnee Garza
Jason Rhodes
Producer - Aneiszka Sea
Director - Dylan Michael Searle
Director of Photography - Calvin Ferniza
AC/Gaffer - Chad Wopschall
Sound- Eric Sarich
Visual Effects - Samuel Selman
Production Design - Kylie Canales
Production Assistant - Michael Garza
Editor - Rahmel J. Aragon
Additional Editor - Marcus Wright