"The Sweetest Holiday" Debuts - A Live Specialty Show Produced & Directed by Brittnee Garza
Last week, Chaotic Motion Entertainment announced it's all-new live specialty mini-show, "The Sweetest Holiday." The show blends dance with stilt walking & rollerskating, featuring candy-themed characters who perform exciting choreography & tricks in a jam-packed show designed for live, outdoor events and performances.
The overall show idea was conceptualized by Brittnee and some of the show's performers: Michael Garza, Katie Powell, and Brittni Sinift. Brittnee took on the task of producing and directing the show while Brittni choreographed, and Michael and Katie helped with fabrication of props and such. The collaboration expanded as they brought on costumer Grace Sinift to bring Brittnee's costume designs to life, and other performers were cast so rehearsals could begin.
Check out a preview of the show here:
Here are some of the costume concepts - design sketches created by Brittnee Garza, and beautifully constructed and brought to life by Grace Sinift!
"The Sweetest Holiday" is officially available for booking, and can be performed anywhere where social distancing is possible. To learn more about the show, check out ChaoticMotionEntertainment.com. Or, you can send your inquiries to ChaoticMotionEntertainment@gmail.com.